
Complete Home Audit

On average we spend about 90% of our time indoors. If you are concerned that your home is making you sick or if you just want to create the healthiest home possible for your family then you will benefit from a COMPLETE HOME AUDIT.
People spend outrageous amounts of money “managing” chronic illnesses without ever thinking about what might be making them sick. Mould, dust mites, heavy metals, chemicals, particulates, VOC’s and electromagnetic fields may all be wreaking havoc with your health.
This is the most comprehensive assessment designed for those who are serious about creating the healthiest indoor environment possible. Whether you are new to the healthy home lifestyle or a seasoned campaigner, this audit will educate and empower you to feel confident in your choices and the testing will leave you with no doubts.
External audit of outdoor sources of pollution
- Prior to the audit your local area will be researched and any possible polluters in the area which may adversely affect your property will be discussed.
EMF Assessment
- A detailed audit of the sources and strength of EMF’s throughout the property with a focus on areas where people spend time. A qualified Building Biologist will use the latest professional equipment to measure the various sources of EMF's
AC Magnetic fields coming from power lines, household wiring and appliances will be measured using a professional gauss meter – NFA 1000 and other meters
Electric field testing will be conductedusing the NFA 1000 and a Body Voltage Kit.
Dirty electricity will be evaluated using a Stetzer meter.
Radiofrequency Radiation coming from all wireless devices and mobile phone towers in the area will be measured using various High Frequency Analysers including the HFW59B & 59D; Safe & Sound Pro11 and 5G meter.
An outdoor audit will be conducted evaluating all the external sources of non-ionising radiation affecting your property.
- Based on the results specific recommendations will be suggested to manage and or eliminate existing EMFs and limit exposure.
Allergen Assessment
- A thorough look at all potential health hazards in each room will be conducted. Building materials, furniture, bedding, flooring, toys etc will be assessed. You will be advised on the best way to manage all the possible sources of allergens.
Indoor Air Quality Testing in real time will be conducted in various rooms, the parameters measured include: Particulate matter (PM2.5); Carbon dioxide; Carbon Monoxide; Nitrogen Dioxide; VOCs; ozone; air pressure; temperature and relative humidity. - (For a more detailed VOC assessment see the VOC & Formaldehyde testing.)
Carbon monoxide testing of all gas appliances will be undertaken if necessary.
Lead testing
- If you have concerns about lead in the home testing can be done for an additional fee.
- Paint, soil, water, certain foods or suspect toys are the most common problems.
Mould inspection
- A visual and olfactory assessment is conducted throughout the property including the roof space and subfloor if accessible. Moisture testing will be conducted using a professional moisture meters such as MMS3. Any sources of moisture ingress or problem areas will be identified. Mould sampling is available upon request for an additional fee of $150 per sample. The samples need to be sent to a lab for analysis. This is useful if a mould issue is suspected as this will confirm the type of mould and how prevalent it is. Recommendations on how to remove mould and prevent re-growth will be included in the report.
Product Assessment
- All personal care products and cleaning products will be analysed and discussed. You will learn how to read labels and decipher the ‘green washing’.
Kitchen audit
- An evaluation of your pantry and fridge will be done if required. You will learn which foods or brands to avoid and what to look for when you go to the supermarket. An assessment of your cookware and food storage containers will be undertaken and safer alternatives discussed. Our water can contain heavy metals, pesticides, antibiotics, pharmaceuticals, parasites, THM’s, chloramines and much more. You will learn about the contaminants in water and will be advised on the most suitable water filtration system for your family’s needs.
Water Quality Testing
- A water quality test can be conducted for an additional fee.
The initial audit will take 2-3 hours. Payment is required prior to commencement of the audit. A thorough report will be emailed to you summarising the findings and the recommendations. If you would like to tailor the audit to your needs please contact info@notoxrox.com or 1300 833 689 to discuss your needs.
Prices start at $990