
Healthy Home Consultation

1h - Skype Consultation
A HEALTHY HOME CONSULTATION via Skype is the most convenient and cost effective way to get expert advice from a qualified Building Biologist
All potential dangers, allergens and toxins in and around your home as well as in the products you use will be addressed and their impact explained.
We will answer all your questions and room by room discuss how you can create a safe non toxic space.
The Consultation addresses:
Electromagnetic Fields:
- Practical solutions for any EMR issues will be suggested.
- You will learn the best way to clean mould and to prevent it from growing.
Allergen Assessment
- A thorough look at all potential health hazards in each room will be conducted. Building materials, furniture, bedding, flooring, toys etc will be assessed. You will be advised on the best way to manage all the possible sources of allergens.
Nursery/Children’s bedrooms:
- A thorough look at all potential health hazards in the bedroom. Building materials, toys and the most appropriate bedding for your child will be discussed. You will be advised on the best way to manage all the possible sources of allergens. Particular attention will be given to Electromagnetic Fields in this room.
- Personal Care and Cleaning Products will be discussed. You will learn how to read and decipher labels.
- Cookware and food storage containers will be discussed and we'll point out safer alternatives. You will learn about the contaminants in your drinking water and how to filter appropriately.